From Winding Down for the Winter at Table Top Farm, posted by Arron Wilder on 12/18/2012 (25 items)
- CSA box offerings
- Cover crop slowly growing up
- The strawberry patch up front
- Swiss chard
- violetta artichoke
- Giant Cardoon – one of the oldest known cultivars
- Nicely weeded patch of swiss chard
- Fuzzy, beautiful mullen – not a weed on our farm!
- A mullen gone to seed beside red tree collards
- The farm stand’s winter offerings
- More winter time items in the farm stand (note the juicy tomatoes! They’re so good! …
- The last of the strawflowers for the winter
- A row of curly green kale
- A patch of celery
- The blue dinosaur kale
- Curly green kale
- the upper plot after heavy rains
- winter sun
- A harvest of beets, celery, kale, and swiss chard
- The tomato greenhouse after the storm retrofit
- All set up inside for the wet weather to come
- We are getting organized! But we have lots of work to do, even though its winter…
- Grandpa’s old handmade three-tine cultivator and my ear and hand protection
- Harvest table – note – we have a light in the greenhouse now! so we can work after d…
- CSA (community supported agriculture) subscription boxes for our weekly subscribers
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